Quality Work
October 26, 2022

I know a job well done when I see one.

October 23, 2022

I've noticed that either out of vanity or some genetic imperative, we tend to mate with people who look like us. I've also noticed that the longer your are together with someone the more likely it is that you will put on the same clothes every day.

Cape Arundel
October 22, 2022

Enjoyed a perfect fall day and played some golf at Cape Arundel. A private course that allows public play and that the Bush family dynasty famously calls their golf summer home. A lovely, bucolic track.

October 12, 2022

The Works
October 7, 2022

As usual I'm out and about on the bike keeping tabs on the works about town. They are ceaseless.

Poland Spring
October 2, 2022

Take The Waters

Self Portrait with Tuna
September 9, 2022

You have chosen ... poorly
September 5, 2022

I never miss a chance to make an Indiana Jones reference. Here Amy's pottery sale provides the very thinnest of pretexts.

Coffee roasting
September 5, 2022

Breakfast of champions
September 4, 2022