bike wheels
March 6, 2011

Rosa & I built a couple bike wheels recently. Though I've built up a few different (single speed and fixed gear) franken-bikes from flotsam and jetsam, these were my first wheels. It was a fun project. Simple, elemental craft. Basic technology practiced similarly for many thousands of years. In my younger days, I would have studiously devoured Sheldon Brown and Jobst Brandt. In my softened middle years, I instead had some Acme IPA and a quick look at some you tube videos and went to it. The results were great though not without some bumps (one wheel had to be torn apart and re-laced with a little more attention to the job and a little less attention to the beer).

winter breaks
February 21, 2011

February 20, 2011

February 12, 2011

a new brew day
February 5, 2011

Here's a picture/video diary of last week's brew day. It's the first time I've brewed in about a year, owing to school. It was relaxing and fun and I mean to do it a lot more this year.

pasta; life reclaimed
January 31, 2011

A couple years ago, my new year's resolution was cheese, jeans and killing...a year in which I would learn to make my own cheese, make my own jeans and learn how to kill a man with my bare hands. The resolution was as whimsical as it was unlikely of success, and none of it came to pass.

Happy New Year!
December 31, 2010

December 6, 2010