After a long, happy hiatus, I'm barack (thud)!
November 12, 2008

After lazily living life offline for the last many months (I have a family for chrissake), I've decided to dip the toe back in and see how it feels. As you see, I've included video evidence that life has indeed been going on (more evidence here) erstwhile. But, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I was actually online more than not compulsively checking sites like Nate Silver's fivethirtyeight.com. I loved your site to death Mr. Silver, but I really don't want to see another poll for at least two years. Thankfully that mania had a happy ending. It was a frantic, exhausting and ultimately cathartic heave-ho to the dark Bush years. I hope an Obama administration can shine enough light onto government to prevent a lapse into another mini dark age in our lifetimes.

I'll look forward to posting again in another year (I'm only half joking).