2009 in Three Songs
January 6, 2010

This is not a list of my top three songs of last year (they weren't even released last year). They are not my favorite three songs of the year. They aren't even the songs I listened to the most. They are the songs I remember the most.

(all three songs are embedded below the fold)

Karl Blau's Slow Down Joe droned on endlessly throughout the summer. For me it was like the cool salt air coming off Casco Bay, pleasant and comforting.

That percussive song slipped seamlessly into fall which heard the Dodo's God? lap quietly at the coast as the air cooled and the leaves fell.

As winter approached I sought much rougher seas and found them in Short Bursts by We Were Promised Jetpacks. I wore that song, that whole record, out as the year wound down. It buoyed me through that tumultuous time. It rejuvenated me and spit me out into 2010 feeling lighter and somehow younger (it must be all that simple, youthful yelling they do).

What about spring? I can't remember that far back.