Tenants Harbor, ME
Tenants Harbor, ME
July 3, 2010

Amy & the girls spent the week in Tenants Harbor, ME. It's a beautiful place. It signals summer. It's special to us. It's where we got married. We've been climbing those rocks and jumping in the cold Atlantic and warming ourselves by that fire for 10 years.

I joined the ladies on the weekend, sneaking away to do two hours of homework each day at the Rockland Public Library. It's an excellent place to work, beautiful both inside and out. Even when it was closed, outside on the grass amongst the well kept gardens and strong wireless, it served as an idyllic office.

I also commuted back to Portland on most weekdays to work (as in work-work, not home-work) and take a final. It's under two hours and a pretty ride, but that kind of time in the car in the morning is draining. I have no idea how people working in major metropolitan areas do it every day. I declare all of you insane.

Tenants Harbor Pics