the joy of duck raincoats
the joy of duck raincoats
September 2, 2010

I picked up these raincoats at Renys in Bath last week. Reny's is great. They've got tons of stuff for the kids. I try to hit it every time I'm in Bath, which is usually about once a month or so as I do some sub-subcontractor work at the Iron Works. I like Bath too. It's a mix of cute & salt, which the sign below captures well. As for the doorway? I believe that is an entrance into another dimension. I will enter it on my next visit and report back. If you do not see a post here for a while, you can assume it did not go well.

By the way, the raincoat pictures were taken at dinner at the Lion's Pride in Brunswick on the way home from Bath. For those counting at home, that brings the total of world class beer bars within shouting distance of my house to three, including Novare Res and Ebenezer's Pub (who also own the Lion's Pride). Ok, Ebenezer's is a little more than a shout away (from everything).

Door to nowhere
