We pulled the kids from school for the better part of the week in September to
take them up to Amy's uncle's farm in Aroostook County Maine so they could learn
about the potato harvest. This beast is the harvester. It was bought used
several decades ago and subsequently customized to the hilt and meticulously
maintained. That rusted disk in the foreground is a transfer plate that failed
and put the machine out of commission for a couple days while the new part was
shipped. That's only reason we were allowed to climb around on it during our
harvester in profile.
The old way.
Those are the potato barrels that were used to manually harvest the potatoes
before the machines came.
The potato fields are
rotated with Barley. There's May sitting in the wheel well of the combine.
The potato harvester back in business, we strolled behind to watch it work and
collect some of the potatoes it missed.
Notice the muddy ruts. The harvester worked slowly that day because the ground
was very wet from a recent deluge. They used tractors to pull the full trucks
through the mud.
The automated potato
bagger, high tech stuff.
This robot palletizes the bagged
potatoes. The robot was repurposed to do this work, the farmer thinks it
originally worked on cars or perhaps sorted postal packages.
Potatoes are stored
in temperature and moisture controlled bins.
The girls prepared the potatoes
that they collected for dinner. The recipe was from the book
for a Hundred" by Ethel Pochocki. It's a fictionalized account of the real
life practice of using German POWs on Aroostook potato farms during WWII.
Reading the book was one of the many activities the girls did for a project they
put together about the potato harvest, that they brought back to Portland and
presented to their classmates.