antenna quest
antenna quest
May 7, 2017

The latest in the quest to get all major broadcast channels over the air in HD...

It began innocently in February, 2009 with a request to the FCC for a digital television convertor "coupon". Nearly 10 years later and the quest continues. It's not so easy in Portland, Maine where the Fox broadcast transmitter is nearly 40 miles away, and over rough terrain. I've hosted many a super-bowl party on the back of a homemade antenna, the success of the event hanging as precariously as the antenna, wedged behind the water maine in the top of the closet, with all involved instructed not to run certain signal-disrupting appliances or use the upstairs bathroom. Finally, this dual antenna setup (one just for Fox) and over a hundred feet of coax makes viewing reliable in all but the harshest weather. Note the essential tools of the trade on the desk: a compass and a signal report from tv fool.